Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Task 2

Task 2

We began the day by going around the college taking pictures of whatever we found to be good enough. I tried to experiment with the focus as much as I could, positioning various things in the foreground. I also used my newly learnt knowledge about iso numbers to change the brightness of the images. This was especially useful when we were in the dark room. 

We then got back and began to edit our images. We first started by using quick mask mode to remove a part of an image and then used clone stamp to cover up where it used to be. Using this I created an animation. This was done by using the tweening tool to allow for a much easier and less time consuming animation.

What I have learnt today is how to do a full animation. This is immediately helpful as its going to be absolutely necessary for the project. The only thing I’ve animated properly before is a stop motion animation for an earlier project. The ability to erase parts of images and replacing them will also be extremely useful for the project. Knowing how to adjust the brightness of the images will also be useful for giving different scenes different feels.  

Monday, 9 February 2015

Task 1

Task 1A
Pre 1960’s
Darkroom Manipulation
Darkroom manipulation is used to change the background and remove unwanted areas. Instead of doing this through Photoshop they instead had to do it physically in the dark room. One of the common techniques is burning, which increases the exposure of the print which should be darker, dodging, which decreases the area of exposure causing it to appear lighter.


Burning                                                                                                       Dodging

Masking is where an artist protects a certain area from changing by covering it up so that it isn’t affected by certain processes. Photo manipulation was originally achieved by ink, paint, double-exposure, piecing photos or negatives together.
Man Ray
Man ray did a lot of work with photo manipulation using photograms. He used everyday objects in strange positions and negative imaging to cause a strange effect on the picture. He also moved the objects during exposure and giving certain objects different exposure times.

My opinion:

I consider the image to be quite boring. It’s just a few objects in black and white shapes. While the process used to create the image is interesting the image itself isn’t.  To improve if I would have used different shapes to make it more interesting.

Anna Atkins
Anna Atkins was an English botanist and photographer. She used algae to create photograms. She did this by putting algae onto cyanotype paper and the contact printing them together. She published the first book to feature photographic images. 


My opinion:
These images are far better than Man Ray’s. Using plants makes them look a lot more interesting than the random objects used in Man Ray’s images. I still don’t like them though as there isn’t much to look at. It’s too simplistic and I believe that they could have tried something more creative with this piece. For its time I’m sure its unique.  

I wouldn’t use these techniques even if I could due to the fact I don’t like how they look. There’s no detail to the pictures and I fail to see any way I could use this in a detective story or anything like it. 

Fake Ghost Images
One of the most interesting images manipulation techniques is creating images of Ghosts. 

This image was faked by taking part of a postcard, the girl, and placing it into the background of the original image. It was discovered because of the different grain on the girl and the image itself.
This seems to be quite effective but it’s the least creative way someone could fake a ghost picture. It honestly just looks like someone is stood on the stairs.

This image was created by using long exposure. When a camera lens is open for a larger amount of time than usual it gives someone a chance to move. When they do this it leaves a semi-transparent version of themselves.

Cottingley fairies
The Cottingley fairies are a group of photographs taken by two cousins, Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths, in Cottingley. They show the girls interacting with a group of fairies. They came to the public’s attentions after Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Author of Sherlock Holmes) used them in an article and believe they were genuine.
They were faked by cutting out images of fairies from a popular children’s book at the time and gluing them to the pictures. It confuses me as to how this managed to fool Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Task 1B
The most common way of image manipulation in recent years is to use Photoshop. It can be used for a huge variety of things from adding a person into a picture to creating some of the images below. There’s an unlimited amount of things that can be done with the software.  

Laura Williams 

Laura Williams is a British photographer who posts her work through the internet. She uses Photoshop to create various illusions in her work.  She gained a lot of attention after posting the image on the left. It seems to have been created by taking two images. One of her sat holding the mirror and another of just the background. She then combined the two images and erased the inside of the mirror. By putting the empty picture on a different layer it allowed for a hole to be created in which you could see the second layer.
The second image is possibly done by taking three pictures; A background picture, a picture of the persons head and an empty layer. On the empty layer I think she may have created the pattern of what looks like ribbon and then put the image of the face underneath before cutting away at it to allow the background to peak through.
The third image is likely created by taking a picture of the girl leaning on the tree and a picture of an empty jar. The picture of the girl is then resized so it fits into the bottom of the jar. The background is then cut away to reveal the back of the jar.

My opinion:

All her images look very interesting and are very creative. The mirror image is probably the most simple and best. The image is lined up perfectly with the background to create a seamless flow. The inside of the mirror could have contributed to my main idea.

Fiddle Oak

Fiddle Oak is a 14 year old photographer who does a lot of amazing stuff using Photoshop and trick photography. For the first picture it seems to have been taken in a sandbox. He placed burnt out matches all over and got to an angle in which it would look a lot larger than it actually is. He then lit a single match. He then took an image of someone and placed it onto the original picture. The black and white likely helps to cover up some of the possible lighting issues.
The second image is done by taking an image of a girl laying down and simply pasting it onto the image of the notepad. Simple in Photoshop terms. The third image (and my favourite) raises some questions. Did he merely Photoshop in the pencil that the person is holding or does he own a pencil that big? Either way he first drew the leg of the person onto the piece of paper and then edited the actual person in before blending his legs into the drawing.

My opinion

It’s very impressive work for someone so young. My favourite is the first image with the matches. Making it black and white was a clever way to cover up any mistakes and the lighting with the match is a very smart move from the photographer. The two images of people on a piece of paper look great, the amount of creativity in the second picture (Him drawing his own legs on) is amazing.

Fashion images
In the world of fashion there’s no such thing as a perfect body. If there was, then they wouldn’t spend time editing every single image that anyone has ever taken of a model. This is usually done to make them thinner, remove any kind of marks on them and usually make their neck longer (I don’t know why).

News Events
Various news Events pictures have also been edited for a variety of reasons. 


The image above is the “Situation Room” in which Obama and others received updates on Operation Neptune’s Spear. The mission which would kill Osama Bin Laden. In a Hasidic newspaper Hilary Clinton and another lady at the back of the room were removed due to a modesty law. 

Task 1c


Manhunter is a 1986 movie based on the Thomas Harris novel “Red Dragon”. It is the first film to feature the serial killer Hannibal Lecter (Spelt in the movie as “Lecktor”. It focuses on FBI investigator Will Graham coming out of retirement to help catch the “Tooth Fairy”, a serial killer. Will uses his talent for empathizing with psychopaths.

Of all the Hannibal Lecter movies this is one of the best (its remake Red Dragon is slightly better). The movie’s strongest point is its use of colour. Each scene is tinted in a different colour to emphasize the mood. For scenes with the Tooth Fairy we often get a dark green and for scenes with Graham and his wife we got a softer blue. Despite this most of the sets are really bland. The only really notable thing is a strange wall in the killer’s house which has a beach setting imprinted on it. The best performance in the movie comes from William Peterson as Graham. During the movie Lecter says that Graham was able to catch Lecter because they are so similar. This sounds like normal villain talk but when Lecter makes the comparison here you can really see it. Peterson actually manages to make that seem true. He portrays Graham as being right on the edge of madness, like he could go over the edge at any point.
In comparison to Red Dragon, which follows the book more accurately despite Lecter getting a lot more screen time, the movie isn’t as entertaining. In Manhunter Lecter is obnoxious, quick talking and makes it his goal to irritate whoever comes to visit him (especially Graham). In Red Dragon he talks a lot slower and is more calculating. It seems like he wants people to stay along for longer. Like he wants them to keep coming back so he can slowly drive them nuts. The two Tooth Fairies are both very different performances. In Manhunter he is a scarier character that we know little about while in Red Dragon he’s a more sympathetic character that we know everything about. I personally prefer Red Dragon’s version.

Infernal Affairs
Infernal Affairs is about two Hong Kong cops. One is undercover in a Triad. The other is a Triad mole in the police. They both end up with the goal of trying to find the others identity. The movie was extremely successful and had two sequels plus a remake; The Departed

The movie has a very interesting second layer. Both of the moles in the organizations both want to get back to their real life in the organization they’re a mole for but they also partly want to stay in the organization they are a mole in. It creates an interesting dynamic.

Occult Detective Genre

Occult Detective is a sub-genre of the detective genre. It has a central character investigating cases that involve various supernatual elements and tends to be set in a more modern time period. Characters usually deal with various demons, vampires and other supernatural being causing trouble in present day.

John Constantine – Hellblazer

First appearing in the Saga of Swamp Thing series as a secondary character, John Constantine is now hailed as one of the greatest comic book characters of all time. He's a supernatural con man and mage based in England trying to deal with various supernatural forces. Despite being a powerful mage his greatest asset is his intelligence. He manipulates and cheats his way past his opponents though this usually backfires against him. He's also a rare type of comic book character in that he ages naturally. He starts of the series at age 34 before ending the series at age 60. In his 25 yearlong series he managed to outsmart the devil himself on three separate occasions, manipulate God to get his soul back to heaven and saved the world more times than I can keep count. I consider (along with a lot of fans) the Dangerous Habits storyline to be the best of the whole series. It focuses on John (a chain smoker) getting lung cancer and trying to find a way to cheat death. It incredibly well written with lots of twists that keep the reading engaged in the story.


Hellboy is a Dark Horse comic series that began in March 1994 but the character first appeared (Albeit in an unrecognisable form) in a leaflet advertising San Diego comic con 1993. The character works as part of the B.P.R.D (Bureau for Paranormal Research and Development) to help combat the supernatural entities in the world. The series consists of miniseries, one shot and short stories with only a single ongoing series. I personally think that the short stories are the best parts of the series with each being a tale of Hellboy encountering various cultures creatures and monsters.

The Invisible Man

The Invisible man is a 1933 movie based on a novel by H.G. Wells. It follows the plot pretty closely though takes a couple of liberties. It focuses on a scientist who creates a drug that turns him invisible. He then goes around causing chaos with town’s folk and police trying to stop him.

While being a good movie the bit we’re going to focus on is the effects and how they managed to make him invisible. When the man was completely invisible and picked up objects or such it was done using wires. When he was removing clothes it was done by having the actor wear a black velvet suit and stand infront of a black background. They then combined this with a shot of the location.