Friday, 23 January 2015

Task 3

The Project 

The Story

The plot revolves around group of students who disappear after they believe they’ve found their way through to another dimension. It’s filmed in a documentary format and shows the events leading up to their disappearance through various Vlogs and other footage filmed by the main character. It shows the interaction and the development of their plan to go through to the other dimension. The documentary crew tries to retrace their steps 

October 22nd 2013 - Start of the main character’s vlog. She gives details of her plan to get into another dimension, how she ended up with an old book and how she intends to convince her friends to help

October 29th 2013 - Footage of her talking to her friends to convince them. She explains the main parts of her plan to her two friends. They both express concern about getting back and what they’ll find when they get there. She leaves the room for a minute and the two discuss this as the camera continues to roll.

November 2nd 2013 – A vlog of the main character grabbing supplies for the trip. She acts like there’s little to no danger. She grabs a torch, a Stanley knife type thing, a phone, food and water. 

November 5th 2013 – More footage of them in class, messing around and enjoying themselves. 

November 7th 2013 – The last day before they set off. The main character explains that she is leaving the camera being used for the blogs in favour of a higher quality camera. This is the final entry

Her Plan to get back
The main characters plan to get to the alternate dimension involves a ritual she found in an old book she was given by the fourth person. In order to get back she intends to use the same ritual to get back. She probably should have read further into the book. 


The audio for the main vlogging will come directly from the camera, to make it seem more believable. The narration will come from a better quality microphone. I’m not sure if music will be added. In the narration parts I will include music to enhance the creepiness but in the Vlogging parts there will be no music. 

Target Audience

Horror, 15+

Due to the fact it’s a found footage; storyboards will likely not be used as the best way to make a found footage is by having it as realistic as possible and having the shots set up would ruin this. Most of the film is vlogs done by the main character, meaning that the camera will be held by her for a majority of the film. 



The main character and the one who wants to get to this alternate dimension. She’s not particularly intelligent but that’s kind of necessity for wanting to go into an unexplored dimension with next to no help and not telling anyone where to go. She takes the whole thing very lightly.


The most sensible of the group, Erin is none the less excited to hear about the alternate dimension but makes the mistake of allowing Abby to plan the whole deal. He has a pretty average intelligence but is likely the smartest person of the group. 


He’s not a particularly a fan of Abby and is in the group mostly because he’s friends with Erin. He’s very sarcastic and rude, usually saying things in a very deadpan voice. Only really comes along because he thinks Abby will mess it up.  

Fourth Person

We never see them but they seem to be some kind of manipulator. It’s possible that he gave the book to Abby to get her to go to the dimension. Maybe to test the waters before going himself. 


On November 7th in 2013 three college students went missing. Police searched for an unusually short amount of time before declaring the students dead. Recently footage has been recovered of the group. Police have not responded to the discovered footage so I have decided to put this footage together and release it. 

October 23rd 2013. The first vlog is recorded by Abby. No mention is made of how she got the book. 

After the Vlog: As strange as the topic is and as light as her tone this is the start of this macabre story. 

A full week later on the 29th of October she again vlogs, this time she is trying to convince two class members to join her in this alternate dimension. 

After (All three have left the room when the camera is mysteriously picked up and turned off): All three members of the group had left the room. It is unknown as to who turned the camera off. Is it possible that this 4th person has something to do with the group or is just a passer-by? 

November 2nd 2013. Abby is vlogging as she goes through supplies that she has picked up. She makes mention of a fourth person. We never meet or see this person (She mentions he doesn’t go with them).

After vlog: It’s obvious that Abby’s supplies were inadequate for this journey. Again a fourth person is mentioned but it seems they did not join them on the trip. What exactly was their role in this story? 

From this point onwards most of the footage is the group enjoying themselves in class. November 4th is the final day of this. On November 7th 2013 was the day before they left. 

In the vlog Abby explains that she is taking a different camera with her.

It’s both lucky and unfortunate that she decided not to take the original camera with her. Lucky so that we can see the events leading up to the journey and unfortunate that we never found out what happened. No trace of the group has ever been found. 

The Dimension
The dimension itself has a conscious. It’s self-aware and very much alive. As with most living creatures it has its own defence system against viruses and parasites. When people enter the dimension these defences immediately go to work. They work as a way to either eliminate or force people out of the dimension, usually the former. Its defences usually alter the human mind in some form, causing hallucinations at first. If this fails then it will start to alter itself, changing locations and modifying its own appearance to scare the humans away. It will finally assault the humans themselves using the equivalent of antibodies. They will either attack the people themselves or cause the people to attack each other. 

No electrical equipment can enter the dimension so this immediately gets rid of cameras, phones or anything too useful. They would be left with only the most basic things to defend themselves. They basically wouldn’t stand a chance.

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