Friday, 23 January 2015


I’ll use the timeline to map out when and what is filmed.
October 22nd 2013 - Start of the main character’s vlog. She gives details of her plan to get into another dimension, how she ended up with an old book and how she intends to convince her friends to help.
The book was given to her by a mysterious fourth person who she doesn’t mention by name. To get to the dimension a ritual has to be done; it involves a very large mirror , some of their own blood and She then mentions how she has to convince the other two to come with her.
This can be filmed in a couple different locations. If I’m running out of time or it’s inconvenient I’ll use the empty kitchen in the college; If it’s not than I’d like the main actress to film it in her bedroom, to make it seem like she’s only just got the book and has only just started doing vlogs.

October 29th 2013 - Footage of her talking to her friends to convince them. She explains the main parts of her plan to her two friends. They both express concern about getting back and what they’ll find when they get there. She leaves the room for a minute and the two discuss this as the camera continues to roll.
This takes place during their lunch hour. It starts off as a normal conversation but she eventually brings up the dimension. At first they joke around before she fully states that she wants to do it. One sighs and then agrees while the other continues to be confused and surprised. She eventually leaves the room and the two discuss their concerns.

This would be filmed in the old locker room because it seems like the kind of place people would hang out. The lounge would likely have people in it and this could interfere with filming. This and I’d like the characters to be having lunch or something.
November 2nd 2013 – A vlog of the main character grabbing supplies for the trip. She acts like there’s little to no danger. She grabs a torch, a Stanley knife type thing, a phone, food and water.
This could just be the main character going through a backpack, so either it’d be filmed in the same location as the first date.
November 5th 2013 – More footage of them in class, messing around and enjoying themselves.
This would be filmed in class and would literally just be the group doing nothing in particular. This is pretty much fodder.
November 7th 2013 – The last day before they set off. The main character explains that she is leaving the camera being used for the blogs in favour of a higher quality camera. This is the final entry
Back in the old locker room, the camera is left in the room.
This could be accomplished in around 3 days, probably less depending on whether the main actress takes the camera home. If she breaks it she will die, very painfully. In terms of equipment the only thing that will be difficult to get my hands on is some of the supplies The Stanley knife will likely only be mentioned as I don’t own one and bringing one in to college is a very stupid thing to do. I intend to bring my own camera in from phone due to it being a cheaper camera and it seems more like the kind of camera the character would own.

I’d like to try get filming done on Monday and Wednesday since a good 90% of it takes place in the college itself. As most of it will be ad libbed it will all be done in a long shot, allowing me to skip certain parts and maintaining the effect of realism. I will to get the editing done over the weekend or on Monday depending on whether my editing system at home can handle the footage.

The main actress is now busy with her own work, so I have decided to play the main character myself, change the gender and erase one of the other two characters. This is helpful in some ways. It means that I can film the parts with the main by himself at my house and I don’t have to explain all the things that the main would know to the actress. Luckily me and the other actor work well off each other and I believe that the video will still come out good.  
This means the narration will have to be changed. 

On November 7th in 2013 two college students went missing. Police searched for an unusually short amount of time before declaring the students dead. Recently footage has been recovered of the two. Police have not responded to the discovered footage so I have decided to put this footage together and release it. 

October 23rd 2013. The first vlog is recorded by Tyler. He mentions how he received a book from another person. This immediately causes suspicions to what could have possibly happened to them.  

After the Vlog: Though the story is strange and frankly, ridiculous, his serious tone masks the fact that he is going to this under prepared. 

A full week later on the 29th of October He again vlogs, this time he is trying to convince a class member to join him in this trip. 

November 2nd 2013. Tyler is vlogging as he goes through supplies that he has picked up. He makes mention of the person who gave him the book again.  We never meet or see this person.

After vlog: It’s obvious that Abby’s supplies were inadequate for this journey. Again another person is mentioned but it seems they did not join them on the trip. What exactly was their intention in giving Tyler the book? 

From this point onwards most of the footage is the two enjoying themselves in class, searching for the mirror and discussing it. November 4th is the final day of this. November 7th 2013 was the day before they left and also the final vlog. 

It’s both lucky and unfortunate that he decided not to take the original camera with him. Lucky so that we can see the events leading up to the journey and unfortunate that we never found out what happened. No trace of the two has ever been found.

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