Evaluation of kids visiting
On the 15th of October we went down to Saint Steven's Primary School
show the kids how to do some animations. When we got there, after being
introduced to the class, we gave short presentations using our visual diaries.
I was unable to give a presentation due to the content of my work (Smiler: The
World's Happiest Serial Killer). After this we were separated and all sent to
different tables. The table I worked with had 6 students who were working in
pairs. I helped them create a backdrop an do the animation(They had already
created their characters). When creating the animation we hit a problem. The
webcam we intended to use stopped working. So we had to use the webcam on the
laptops. This was awkward as it meant that the screen also had to be facing the
animation. This made things difficult as we had to have one person animating
and one person pressing the capture button. The animation was around 4 seconds
long overall.
The second time we saw the students was when they came to us. a week later.
It was an odd day and not much was really done. The first part of the day was
spent waiting around and doing bit of work while we waited for them to arrive.
They had gotten lost. When they arrived the first thing we did was show them
around the college. I was absent for most of this as I was sent back to the
class to look after the stuff(This seems to happened a lot) so I'm unaware as
to what happened. After Lunch we started to watch the some of our work and the
animations made by the students. The reactions to our animations seemed to be
positive(again mine not being on show). Their animations were only a few
seconds long so it didn't take much time. After this we created our own short stop
motion animation, using ourselves and some chairs. We all sat down one by one
as pictures were taken in-between each person sitting making it seem like we
were appearing.
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