Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Poster feedback

Poster feedback
Describe posters
The first poster concept was a white background with the main characters at the front. The male was duct taped to a chair looking terrified while the main female leans on him looking fairly happy with herself. The second poster concept was a penny (used in the movie to kidnap the main male) on the ground.
The first poster suggestion was a very typical romcom poster with the main character duct taped to a chair. There were suggestions that I add something in the background but I think that would go against the fact that it’s supposed to be a typical romcom poster with a twist. The second poster was given more attention as people had a lot of ideas on how to improve it. One of the ideas was to include some blood droppings along with the penny or having the shadow of the main villain.  I didn’t like this poster as I didn’t feel it really suit the romcom.

Overall I’ll likely just stick to the original idea of the first poster, which I find to work better with the trailer.  

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