How would
you get away with murder?
Due to the fact that I couldn’t do a dream journal, I
decided that I would go to people I know and ask them how they would get away
with murder. I hope this will help me gets some ideas on what to do with my project.
I expect that there will be some pretty good answers as the people in my class are quite intelligent.
Carl Doherty
How would you kill them?
C: I’d stab them with a knife in the jugular and then twist
it. I’d also watch the blood pour out and ripple onto the floor and watch the
life fade out-
L: Are you okay?
C: I’d then say “you deserve this.”
L: Next question.
What would you do with the body?
C: I would drag the corpse across the floor, making sure I
can see the blood behind –
L: How would you get away with it?
C: I’d first chop it into pieces. Like cube sized and then
drop them in a blender.
L: I’m detecting you’re not taking this seriously.
C: I’d then return to my basement, descending down the
stairs all the while hearing the shrill and muffled screams from beneath. And
when they cry for help…I say no.
L: You’d probably get caught you know?
This would definitely not work.
How would you kill them?
T: Do they live near me?
L: Sure.
-5 minute interruption from Carl –
L: Actually the person you’re killing is Carl.
T: Okay. I take it Carl has weird midnight walks through the
woods, All I’d have to do is ambush him there.
L: What would you ambush him with?
T: Chloroform rag.
-More interruptions from Carl-
T: Wearing latex gloves with leather gloves on top. I have
short hair anyway so I wouldn’t have to worry about them finding hair anyway
unless I got into a fight with Carl. I’d never get into a fight with Carl
though because he’s tall and lanky.
-More interruptions. L screams. -
T: I’d wear men’s running shoes and everything I use for the
murder I’d keep in a backpack. Or I’d tie him up and curb stomp him into the
How would you get rid of the body?
T: I’d wash the blood of the rocks. Cut open his belly and
fill it with rocks. The ones he smashed his head on. Tie a bunch of cinder
blocks to his feet and throw him into the river along with the stuff I used. Oh
and I’m gonna dress like a dude chav so from a distance I just straight out
look like a dude chav in a big coat then no one will think to look for a tiny
L: That was stupid. You’re very stupid. All of you are
Chloe McCann
How would you kill them?
C: Do I have to do this?
L: Yes. Get over here and do the interview.
C: IIIII…have no idea.
L: Thanks Chloe.
C: Well I’d fire up my death ray and then shoot them at
close range with the Death ray. I’d then throw my head back and laugh like an
anime villain.
L: Chloe you’re a failure.
I’m beginning to regret doing this.
Peter X
L: Why can’t I write your real name?
P: I’ll get into trouble with the authorities.
How would you kill them?
-Taliah interrupts asking about name. –
P: Who am I killing?
L: Carl.
P: I think…we’d have to….his dragon(software Carl uses to do
work) will take over his brain….and I will have….How did I do it?...I increased
the voltage….and fried his brain.
L: That’s actually the smartest one so far.
Carl: How is it?
L: Because all yours were CENSORED
How would you hide the body?
P: I wouldn’t. I’d leave it in plain sight.
L: You’d be arrested in seconds.
P: Nobody would know! Nobody would realise!
How would you kill Carl?
Carl: Why am I the target?
L: Because you’re a pickle CENSORED!
R: I-
-Constant interruptions-
R: Cut him up limb from limb using a plasma cutter until there’s
nothing left then shoot the rest of his body with a javelin gun.
-L leaves the room in a rage. He comes back later half drunk
and unable to stand-
Amy Midgley
L: Your go.
A: I’d get them to trust me with cookies and then one day poison
them. I’d then make cookies out of the body and feed them to the police.
L: This has been the best one so far and that’s CENSORED
How would I kill them?
L: I’d first stab them with an icicle. I’d then leave the
weapon to melt while I put the corpse into a plastic tub and filled it with Hydrochloric
acid to melt the body. I’d then pour the mess into a sewer and immediately leave
the country.
T: Oh. Nice one.
Everybody in class is an idiot and I hate them.
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