Monday, 16 March 2015

Idea Devolpment


ea Development

Idea – Oh Dear, I seem to be dead

Genre - Horror Comedy

Plot: A man is killed by his former friends so he won't report any of their criminal activities. We then see from the corpse's POV, what they do with the body and if they succeed in getting away with it.

The movie is about a man arriving to a meet up with his 4 friends (One, the leader of the group, is late). They are involved in some criminal activities (Robbery, arson) but our main character wants to stop doing them. He wants to remain friends with the others so he tells them what he intends to do and how he won’t tell anybody about what they had done. This leads to an argument. It’s revealed that they accidently killed someone during one of their arson attacks. As he turns away to leave he’s struck on the back of the head by a hammer and killed. We suddenly switch to his POV and watch the other characters freaking out. The leader of the group arrives and immediately becomes furious with the others. He’s sad at his friend’s death but decides they need to get rid of the body. They first drag him to a more secluded place (a couple of small comedic incidents that clue into the fact that this is a dream) and then start to dismember the corpse. We get POV of the head being cut off. It’s then dropped into a plastic bag and we switch to normal camera mode. We then follow the killers as they take the pieces to a lake and tie to throw them into it. The pieces float back to the top and they’re forced to get them back out. They try hydrochloric acid (This was lying around in one of their pockets) but one of them gets it on their trainer and they have to walk around with only one shoe on. They then try to bury it but get tired quickly. They eventually get to a safer location, dump the body parts into a plastic tub and pour the acid over the parts. We see this from POV as the body slowly deteriorates.

College version: He wakes up. After a second or two of silence he says “Now then…let’s get this over with”. We then see him walking to meeting his friends. Behind his back he’s holding a weapon.

                     First few scenes prior to him being killed is filmed from normal camera angles.
                     They kill him in a very awkward place (Middle of town) and a forced to carry him around as they bicker.
                     The killers are basically a group of chavs in hoodies.
                     The corpse narrates the movie as they drag him around. He's very sarcastic and mean to them (It’s understandable)
                     The villains are all stupid.
                     One of the killers whines about getting blood on him. The one that killed the main character whines about his hand being sore afterwards.
                     They cut up the corpse and put the parts into bin bags. After this happens we switch to a regular camera mode as the villains talk. The severed head of our main character falls out of the bag in POV. Chance to use head o cam.
                     Have him break the fourth wall?
                     Tales from the Crypt type humour
                     Gaps in logic and other things to show it’s a dream.
                     First line: We burnt that chick up like crispy kfc.
                     Combine with the idea about someone trying to prevent their death.
                     One of them decides to take his jacket. This interrupts the very dramatic monologue he was having right after dying.

Possible ending: The villains decide that the best way to deal with the problem is to not hide the body, but instead, make it look like an accident. They take the corpse up to the top of a parking garage and throw it off the top. POV as it is thrown. It’s done facing the villains due to the fact the killing blow was on the back of the head. Use same technique I did in SYSDIAHM Episode?

He wakes up and thinks stuff over for a second. He then receives a text from one of the killers asking him to hang out. He turns them down and says “That’s that sorted”.

Genre – Drama/comedy

Plot: A man wakes up only to find that most of his life had been a dream. He goes about trying to make his life like his dream life.

Possible ending: He doesn’t succeed but instead accepts the life he has.


Genre – Action/Comedy

Plot: Someone is dragged into the dream of another person and is forced to deal with parts of their imagination. Sadly this someone is a jerk and handles everything very badly.

·         Have an Ash like character.
·         He’s a jerk to everyone he meets, usually ignoring what they say


Plot: A demon chases a horror movie fan through his dreams.

Genre: Horror/comedy

                                                        Each different area they enter shows a different sub-genre of horror.
                                                        Each area represents a different horror era.

Idea – Under the Bed

Plot: A guy is continually attacked throughout the night by a creature lurking under his bed.

Genre: Horror

                                                        First attack happens when the creature pulls him out of bed by his foot


Plot: A girl dreams about the events leading up to her death. When she wakes up, she finds the events are actually happening in reality.

                                                        She could either try prevent it or just accept it
                                                        If she prevents it, it could lead to a worse fate.

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